Wissenschaftliche Publikationen Teresa Beyer
Beyer, Teresa(2020): Bedeutung der Plasmagestagenkonzentration in der Frühträchtigkeit der Stute. Dissertation, Vet. Med. Univ. Wien, pp. 47.
** Beyer, T; Rink, BE; Scarlet, D; Walter, I; Kunert, S; Aurich, C(2019): Early luteal phase progestin concentration influences endometrial function in pregnant mares. Theriogenology. 2019; 125:236-241.
** Rink, BE; Beyer, T; French, HM; Watson, E; Aurich, C; Donadeu, FX(2018): The Fate of Autologous Endometrial Mesenchymal Stromal Cells After Application in the Healthy Equine Uterus. Stem Cells Dev. 2018; 27(15):1046-1052.
Kongressbeiträge in Zeitschriften
Beyer, T; Scarlet, D; Ertl, R; Walter, I; Ille, N; Aurich, C(2018): Effects of High and Low Progestin Concentration during the Early Luteal Phase on Endometrial Function in Early Pregnant Mares. 12th International Symposium on Equine Reproduction ( ISER), Cambridge, United Kingdom, JUL 22-27, 2018. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science (66) 217.
** Beyer, T; Scarlet, D; Ille, N; Aurich, J; Aurich, C(2017): Influences of maternal progestin concentration on conceptus development in mares. 21st Annual Conference of the European-Society-for-Domestic-Animal-Reproduction (ESDAR), Bern, SWITZERLAND, Switzerland, AUG 24-26, 2017. Reprod Domest Anim (52), S3 71-72.
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Beiträge zu wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen
Beyer, T; Scarlet, D; Ertl, R; Walter, I; Ille, N; Aurich, C(2018): Effects of High and Low Progestin Concentration during the Early Luteal Phase on Endometrial Function in Early Pregnant Mares. 12th International Symposium on Equine Reproduction ( ISER), Cambridge, United Kingdom, JUL 22-27, 2018. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science (66) 217.
Beyer, T; Scarlet, D; Ille, N; Aurich, J; Aurich, C(2017): Influences of maternal progestin concentration on conceptus development in mares. 21st Annual Conference of the European-Society-for-Domestic-Animal-Reproduction (ESDAR), Bern, SWITZERLAND, Switzerland, AUG 24-26, 2017. Reprod Domest Anim (52), S3 71-72.
Beyer, T; Scarlet, D; Ille, N; Aurich, J; Aurich, C(2017): Influences of maternal progestin concentration on conceptus development in mares. ESDAR Conference 2017; AUG 24-26, 2017; Bern, Switzerland. 2017.
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